Thursday, 30 August 2018

How To: Replace a CMOS battery inside a desktop computer

In this video I will be showing you how to replace your CMOS battery inside your computer. You may need to replace your CMOS battery if: You turn on your computer and it can't remember the time, If the computer complains about CMOS settings resetting every time you turn your computer on or if your computer can not boot because it can't access parts of the hard disk. Make sure you like and subscribe, Thank you for watching. N.B: This computer filmed was a HP Workstation 4300xw. When you change a CMOS batter it should be the same procedure however the battery may be located near different parts of the board. The BIOS featured in this video was that of Microsoft Virtual PC. The actual key required to enter BIOS may not be DEL it might be F2, Escape or something completely different. The actual procedure for changing settings in BIOS on this video will be different to that of your computer. If you need help consult your computer documentation.

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